Friday, February 02, 2007

Bekka´s birthday meal

On Wednesday, Bekka and I went out for a birthday celebration and a nice meal. We choose Lækkjarbrekka, which is right in the centre of town, very close to Rebekka´s school. We got dressed up to the nines, me in suit and Bekka in new black and white check power jacket. We were lucky enough to get a table by the window and we could look out on to the street and see if we could recognise any of the passers by. (Statistically speaking Bekka has a much higher chance than me, because of her extensive social circle, you see). The food was really very good, rich and satisfying, just the thing for a cold and rainy night. I had lamb and Bekka had steak, nam, nam enough meat to feed a lion pride. I could only manage a coffee for dessert; Bekka went for the chocolate dream – a wicked chocoholic assortment of four, yes four, chocolate mini desserts!!! We had great chats and a lovely evening.

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